Una visitatrice di orchids.it. ci segnala via e-mail, questa casa editrice Tedesca, specializzata in libri di botanica e zoologia molto belli ed interessanti, nello specifico una rara pubblicazione, che segnaliamo con piacere ai nostri visitatori.
Rare Orchid Books
…..recently we have been able to acquire some rare orchid books, among them e.g. items by Bateman, Maekawa, Luer and others.
We want to offer these items now for sale and have prepared a little list showing bibliographical data, etc.
This list is available by e-mail on demand. If you would like to receive the list, let us know so, please.
One sample item is offered below.
Best regards from
Sven Koeltz
Publishers, Distributors and Mail Order Booksellers in Botany and Zoology
Street Address: Herrnwaldstr.6, D 61462 Koenigstein / Germany
Mail Address: P.O. Box 1360, D 61453 Koenigstein / Germany
National 06174 93720
International 49 6174 93720
National 06174 937240
International 49 6174 937240
E-MAIL koeltz@t-online.de. INTERNET www.koeltz.com
———–BOOK LIST————–
Book ID: (005693)
HOEHNE, F.C.: Iconografia de Orchidaceas do Brasil. Generos e principais especies em texto e em ranchas.Resumo e complemento da monografia das Orchidaceas na `Flora brasilica `.1949.100 figs.317(147 col.)pls.301 p. 4to.
Half morocco.
PRICE: 480.00 EURO/US $600.00
This work forms a supplement and iconography to the orchid – volumes of Hoehne`s Flora Brasilica. Hoehne`s work on Brazilian orchids must be considered to be basic literature on the subject.-Very rare.